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2 comments | Saturday, April 11, 2009

To cut corners doctors may use software, servers or services that are not secure. Such as Google Apps or Amazon's S3 service. These services may not be HIPPA compliant. Ask your doctor where your personal and private information is stored. While you are there take a look at the name on the folder on the counter and ask where her records are as well, which is also against compliance. You probably pay enough and you expect your data to be secured.

0 comments | Friday, April 10, 2009

It is important for every company no matter how big or small to document the following

1) passwords to everything

2) serial numbers for equipment

3) license numbers for software

4) how everything talks to each other ( network map )

5) vendor contact information and escalation list

6) backup plan and disaster plan

It is easier to gather this information now instead of scrambling in an emergency.

Oh and print it out and keep in a binder!

0 comments | Thursday, April 2, 2009

Interesting article on 99 ways to improve the speed and performance of your computer
