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0 comments | Saturday, March 20, 2010

Do you find yourself distracted every day at work? Are your employees?

Check out Rescue Time. This software sits on your desktops or webtops and monitors what your employees are doing. It includes reporting and alerts to make sure they stay focused.

Check out a tour here


Rescue Time is available on webtops


0 comments | Thursday, March 11, 2010

DO NOT HIRE a person or small company to write custom software that is critical to your business.

It is expensive.

They WILL hold you hostage or demand ransom to fix any future challenges.

They will not be there years from now when you need help.

They will be unwilling to help when a challenge arises.

Use a big publically traded company that you heard of. This way there are bright minds who can step in and help when a challenge occurs. There are also 10,000 people who can be hired to help. Not 1.

We see this every week. EVERY week.

0 comments | Wednesday, March 10, 2010

This is pretty handy for either your home or your office

If you need a network connection in a different area but wireless is not fast enough or not available in the device and you do not or cant run a network connection / cable then you can use your existing power lines / outlets to extend your network.

Image below

It only costs $89.99 from the manufacturer


or $99 through Amazon



0 comments | Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It is law for some businesses to archive all email correspondence in and out of the company. This is especially for e-discovery during a lawsuit.

We feel it is a very good idea to archive all email as it can help with employee and customer challenges.

We have found it useful when vendors have "amnesia".

Your current email provider should be able to add this for little cost.

If you are hosting email yourself, please outsource that today to a hosting company :)

This email archive may just save your butt!

0 comments | Monday, March 1, 2010


When you buy software, make sure you keep the media that came with it. The media will be the CD or DVD. A lot of software is now coming electronically only. If so make sure you download the file(s) and keep in a safe place. Preferably burn to a CD or DVD or put on a USB thumb drive.

The second important thing to keep in mind is to keep the license information. This is the serial number or license number needed to activate the software. This license is unique to you and should not be shared with anyone outside your organization.

Finally, if you have your software customer developed or custom made by a company or person make sure you get the SOURCE CODE. You should also have a third party check the SOURCE CODE to make sure everything is there in case you can no longer reach that person or company.
