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0 comments | Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I received a disturbing email from our local Lake Mary High School.

It is below. I really have a hard time understanding big business and the decisions to cut programs for schools. The sports program is HUGE for children. Spread the word and help out! We did.

Please join Keith Rivers in supporting Lake Mary High School on Friday May 21st at 5:30pm for the Red and Gray Football Classic.

In December 2009, Lake Mary High School received a cease and desist order from Chrysler® to remove or replace all use of the Dodge® Ram logo before the end of the school year-with only a few exceptions. To replace the logo around campus would cost upwards of $100,000. However, to leave the school bare of its identity would crush the spirit of its students--especially as Lake Mary High School gets ready to celebrate its 30 year anniversary in 2011.

With your support, we can raise the funds needed to turn this unfortunate situation into a positive experience for the students and celebrate our 30 year anniversary by making history!

You can show your support with a tax-deductible donation or by purchasing a Lake Mary Rams t-shirt featuring the new logo designed by Global Village Concerns.

Please visit www.supportlakemary.com to show support for the Lake Mary Rams. T-shirts will be delivered directly to your home following the ceremony.


Will Ford
Executive Director of School Affairs
Global Village Concerns, Inc
Email: wford@go2gvc.com
Website: www.go2gvc.com



0 comments | Friday, May 21, 2010

A lot of people backup their files onto a USB thumbdrive or an external hard drive. These devices have high fail rates. They will not last for more than a couple of years. Make sure you backup to multiple devices or a device that has more than one drive in it so if one drive fails your data is still there. We rely on these devices for storing our photos,music, important papers,etc...and often they are not there when we need them. So in short make sure there is a backup of the backup.

Just as important is to make sure you have software that is backing up your important files every day.

An alternative is to use an online backup service. These monthly services are very inexpensive and take care if everything mentioned above.

0 comments | Thursday, May 20, 2010

Make sure every computer and file server in your company has anti virus software installed. Make sure it has been updated with the latest virus definitions within the past 24 hours.

0 comments | Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Unfortunately our industry is not mature.

It may be because the industry is young? It may also be because it is easy to get into? Essentially ANYONE can get into it overnight.

Most artisans spend years learning their art and then venture on their own so they can share their passion with others. If they can't do the work to their high level if standards they don't do it. If it is a matter of special skill or tool needed they will simply refer you to the best. If it is a task that no one should do, they will tell you no because they care about what they do and the art they are in. They will not compromise the unwritten rules of their trade for a dollar.

Not in technology. Everybody is the expert in everything. They don't know who to refer you to and they will do whatever is asked of them. Regardless.

There are few relics left. Those who started when IT all started. Those who were apprentices to the bright minds that envisioned and layed the foundation for eveything we use today.

Now you can just get a template web site, stock logo, and you are an expert.

Unfortunately customers are the ones that suffer.

Hopefully the industry grows up soon.