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0 comments | Sunday, June 20, 2010

Now you can have full five bar coverage in your entire office or house.

At&t has released their Microcell in the Central Florida market.

We just installed our first one and it is truly amazing.

Here is the official link


Benefits include

1) Unlimited voice and data while connected to the microcell

2) Full coverage if you have spotty reception in your home or office

3) friends and family CAN use it

4) It is portable

5) You can cancel or reduce your home/office long distance plan and use your cell phone

Installation was a breeze. Just make sure you put it in the DMZ on your router and enable UPnP

This is so the device can talk to at&t's service.

It uses your internet connection to make the calls

It is just like having your own personal cell phone tower


0 comments | Thursday, June 17, 2010

Black and Decker have a new device that can help you watch your power consumption in real-time!

It will help lower your power bill.

Amazing to see what sucks all of your power.


You can buy it here for on $99



0 comments | Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A very interesting study regarding sleeping and electronic screens. Particularly iPads and Laptops. Apparently using them late at night may be keeping us up and diminishing our quality of sleep.

Maybe it is time to turn them off earlier?



1 comments | Thursday, June 3, 2010

Just a quick note to let you know that I have discovered an alternate to PayPal.

Another trusted payment source by Intuit, the makers of Quickbooks, Quicken and TurboTax can be used.

To learn more go to


If you are currently using PayPal to accept payments, you too may want to reconsider.

Intuit Payment network only charges a single fee of $ .50 per transaction. This is a tremendous savings over PayPal.
