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0 comments | Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I just wish T-mobile had it. :(

Motorola’s new Droid RAZR Maxx is set to change the LTE’s power-gulping reputation, as the Android handset lasted a full 8-hours and 25 minutes on the LAPTOP Battery Test. This test involves continuous surfing over 4G with the phone set to 40 percent brightness.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/01/29/motorola-smartphone-has-worlds-best-battery/#ixzz1l4C0zQbL


Can censorship ever be a good thing? Twitter wants you to think so, but the company appears to have stepped on a slippery slope coated in lard.

Twitter recently announced a new feature by which it could and would block certain Tweets and accounts in selective parts of the world when the message or the user ran afoul of local laws. Previously, if the company had to block a Tweet, it had to do so globally.

Twitter is pitching this as a good thing. A message may be banned in Bangalore, but remain visible in Bangor.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/01/31/revolution-will-not-be-tweeted/#ixzz1l4BTcNUN

0 comments | Thursday, January 26, 2012

I love Photoshop and for those like me that wait a long time to upgrade and end up having to pay full price. Well if you have the money that's fine but if you would like a cheaper option (free?), try Artweaver.

This is a program that my daughter was using and getting great results. I loaded the program to test it and wanted to know what the catch was. The program performs beautifully and it is a lighter weight program than Photoshop. This is a full featured Photo Editor that supports most Phot Shop plug-ins.

Check this out at www.artweaver.de.

Hope you enjoy this as much as I have
