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0 comments | Monday, July 30, 2012

wow, crazy fast. very limited availability though. be interesting to see what this forces form the competition.
Google's unbelievably fast new 1000Mbps fiber is finally live in Kansas City today. The service has no bandwidth cap, no overage fees, and it'll come with 1TB (!!) of free cloud storage.
In addition to the blazing broader than broadband internet, Google's also got a new TV service called Google Fiber Television. The service is a lot like Google TV, but cleaner, and it can record up to 500 hours of HD programs. There will be remote apps for iOS and Android, both of which will have voice control, and at some point they'll get video streaming as well. The TV package will have all broadcast networks, along with hundreds of "Fiber channels".


0 comments | Sunday, July 15, 2012

information and page to fix.

Microsoft terminates Windows Gadgets with extreme prejudice.

Hey, Windows users! Microsoft has some bad, or possibly good, news.
It's recommending that all users disable the Windows Sidebar and Gadgets — immediately.
"Disabling the Windows Sidebar and Gadgets can help protect customers from vulnerabilities that involve the execution of arbitrary code by the Windows Sidebar when running insecure Gadgets," states a security advisory released Tuesday (July 10) by Microsoft.
"In addition, Gadgets installed from untrusted sources can harm your computer and can access your computer's files, show you objectionable content, or change their behavior at any time."


0 comments | Thursday, July 5, 2012

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- If you're considering an upgrade to Windows 8 this fall, Microsoft just made the option much cheaper.
The software giant announced Monday that anyone running Windows XP or a more recent version can upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for just $40.
That's significantly less than what Microsoft typically charges customers to update their operating systems. For instance, the cheapest "upgrade version" of Windows 7 for those running older editions of Windows costs $120 on Microsoft's online store. Even upgrading from one Windows 7 version to another will set you back at least $65.

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