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0 comments | Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Welcome to our blog. Many are asking what took so long. No excuses. Here we are and we hope you enjoy, learn and have fun!

Most of us probably have a web site for our business. Most people think a web site is simply an online brochure. They do not understand that it is a 24x7 store or office. People all over the world are visiting your site all hours of the day. Potential clients may visit your site and turn away immediately. We were shopping for someone local to do some tile work for us. We visited their site and it did not portray them as an expert. It looked like something their kid slapped up there 5 years ago. It was only a $700 sale, but how many $700 sales have they lost? How many are they losing a day? How many are you losing?

Here are 4 questions to ask yourself about your web site:

Is it making you money?

Is it helping you communicate with your customers / prospects?

Is it updated frequently? How?

If I just visited your website would I have an accurate picture of who you are?

We love the last question. Does your site reflect who your company is?

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