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0 comments | Sunday, November 7, 2010

Now, many may have heard of this powerful little tool. And some may have tried or used it.
The newest version has some very nice tools built in for keeping your PC somewhat safer than without it.

It has, among other things, a registry back up on install.
An "immunization" tool to take a form of snapshot/locking of important files.
And it will not allow these to be modified without user intervention. This can be updated after a new, trusted program is installed.

This is also a very powerful ( can be dangerous in unexperienced hands ) registry scanning and reporting and Cleaning tool. Not to mention a large and dedicated online community you can submit these reports to for free inspection and they will help you find problems, if you have them, in your PC.

all in all the newest free version of search and destroy, installed after a Clamwin install, will go along way in free protection - adding realtime file protection for immunized files.

both work on Win2K8 servers as well.


this will run an update on install as well.



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