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0 comments | Tuesday, February 1, 2011

If you have a virus, malware, software challenge or need help with your desktop or laptop there are two virtual options for you.  Instead of traveling to a local computer store or a big box store for support, you can have a trained professional log into your computer remotely to remedy the situation.

The two companies are iYogi and support.com.


This company will remote into your computer remotely to troubleshoot.  You talk to them on the phone while they are in the computer.  They typically pinpoint the challenge in 15 minutes.  They charge $170 per year for unlimited support.  You just can't beat that price.

They are based out of India

Low cost leader



Support.com asks more questions than iYogi.  There response time was slightly longer than iYogi to talk to the initial rep.  They offer the same service.  Their pricing starts at $199 per year for unlimited support.  They also charge a small setup fee.

They are based out of North America

U.S.A. Based


These are virtual options.  If you need someone to come out to your office or home you may want to use a local computer store or one of the big box stores.  They will be able to put their hands on the computer and replace and/or fix hardware.  But if it is a challenge that can be fixed remotely one of the two options above will definitely work.



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