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0 comments | Friday, April 25, 2008

If you stopped and thought about everything that is on your computer, it is scary. What is even scarier is you may not be backing all of that information up. Why not?

Some inexpensive ways to do backups include copying files to a thumb drive, burning pictures and music to cds and dvds or even using the built-in software that comes with an external USB hard drive.

Of course if you have multiple computers or you are trying to protect your business the options above may not be feasible. You may need a hard drive that sits on your network that all computers can access. Or you may use a service that comes in over your Internet connection each night and grab the files you need backed up.

There are a lot of options that fit every budget.

Your backup plan may not be what a large company may do and that is ok.

What is not ok is not having a plan at all.

Friends don't let friends use computers without backing them up.

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