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0 comments | Monday, June 23, 2008

What would you do if when you went home today and your laptop or computer was not there?

Someone stole it!

Think about it. All of your digital pictures, all of your music (iTunes - MP3s), all of your school work, all of your programs (that you dont have the serial/registration info for), all of your emails, etc....are gone.

Now think about a fire, or water damage or the computer crashing.

What can you do ? What should you do? BACKUPS!

Backup to a CD, or DVD, or usb memory stick or external hard drive. Use a service like eVault and do online backups. The latest versions of Apple and Microsoft Operating Systems (Leopard and Vista) include free backup software that you can schedule and copy your important stuff to daily. Yes daily. Think about how much changes each day.

So go now and backup!

P.S. Dont keep your backups next to your computer. Put some where else safe. Safety deposit box, safe, neighbor, etc...



Beautiful baby Addison was born this morning at 11:12AM EST. She is helathy. 8lbs 6oz 21 inches long. Mom and "Addi" are resting. Thanks everyone for your support. Pictures coming soon!

0 comments | Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wireless is inexpensive, easy and convenient. It is great for your home so you can work on the couch, wander to any room, even work outside on your laptop. With a $50 wireless router you have everything you need to cut the wire to the Internet. But should you use wireless in your business?

I say no. For the conference room it is ok, but not for your employee's computers. Wireless, if it is working 100%, runs at half the speed of your wired connection. If you are running over gigabit wired ethernet then your wireless is running 1/20th of the speed.

All of your sensitive data is now floating in the air for anyone to see. Yes you can secure and encrypt this data, but the bad guys can still get it. It makes it a lot easier when they can sit in the parking lot and try instead of being in your office.

There is so much interference now with wireless it makes the connection unstable. Think cordless phone, baby monitor and cell phones. All not 100% reliable. So why would you put your computers on wireless?

In the long run it does not save you money. The alternative is to have someone run the cables down the wall for you and plug in. Faster, more secure and more reliable.

Save the wireless for the conference room for guests.

Think before cutting the wires!


0 comments | Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Here is a poem my son gave to me:

Walk a little slower, Daddy,
Said a little child so small.
I'm following in your footsteps
And I don't want to fall.

Sometimes your steps are very fast,
Sometimes they are hard to see;
So, walk a little slower, Daddy,
For you are leading me.

Someday when I'm all grown up,
You're what I want to be;
Then I will have a little child
Who'll want to follow me.

And I would want to lead just right,
And know that I was true;
So walk a little slower, Daddy,
For I must follow you.

0 comments | Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Unfortunately in 2008 most computers and peripherals are disposable. You can get a DELL desktop for $299. If something goes wrong with the computer and you need to have someone come out to fix it, it can cost $100-$200. Often times a part will go bad and you will get close to or exceed the $299 you originally paid. I'm not recommending you simply throw it out, donate it to a school, charity, etc...

My personal favorite is printers. They cost under $100. The ink costs half the original price. If the printer does not work, buy another one. You will even get a new ink cartridge :) Don't pay for someone to come out at $100 an hour to fix the $50 printer.

Servers are NOT disposable. They can last 5+ years. Even if you switch them out every three years, you can still use the "old" server as a backup or as a spare. Servers are made with higher quality parts and some include a lifetime warranty.

Businesses should be working off of thin clients connected to a central server. They should be printing to a central printer. Then you do not have to worry about disposing of your computers, printers, etc...

Use technology such as Citrix or Terminal Services to connect your employees to the software and information they need. It will also allow them to work off of their disposable computer at home.

In the long run it saves money on hardware, software, power, and administration/support.