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0 comments | Monday, June 23, 2008

What would you do if when you went home today and your laptop or computer was not there?

Someone stole it!

Think about it. All of your digital pictures, all of your music (iTunes - MP3s), all of your school work, all of your programs (that you dont have the serial/registration info for), all of your emails, etc....are gone.

Now think about a fire, or water damage or the computer crashing.

What can you do ? What should you do? BACKUPS!

Backup to a CD, or DVD, or usb memory stick or external hard drive. Use a service like eVault and do online backups. The latest versions of Apple and Microsoft Operating Systems (Leopard and Vista) include free backup software that you can schedule and copy your important stuff to daily. Yes daily. Think about how much changes each day.

So go now and backup!

P.S. Dont keep your backups next to your computer. Put some where else safe. Safety deposit box, safe, neighbor, etc...



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