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0 comments | Sunday, May 18, 2008

There are a few companies out there that sell bandwidth dirt cheap. The most notorious is Cogent. Their bandwidth is about 85%-90% cheaper than everyone else. How? Well when your server is on their network your connection will run slower as it has more latency. When a customer needs to get to your server, instead of going from their provider to your server directly they will have to skip around to one, two or even three OTHER providers just to get to you. Why? Well Cogent, and companies like Cogent, do not have connections with all of the other Internet Service Providers out there. An analogy is if you had to avoid I-95 getting from Florida to New York City. You CAN do it, but who the heck would want to? Providers like Level 3, At&t and MCI can get you to where you need faster and shorter. That is why they are more expensive. So before just looking at pricing when finding a home for your server, check out who the upstream (internet) providers are.

Remember, you get what you pay for!


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