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0 comments | Sunday, May 4, 2008

Here are a few ways to protect yourself (as a business owner) as well as your employees from the dangers of the world wide web. Some of these were designed for children, but some will argue that children and employees are the same :)

1) Firewall

Firewalls are not just for keeping the "bad" guys out. They can also be used to protect the "good" guys inside. You can block certain web sites, restrict which programs employees can use (such as chat, video / audio streaming, file sharing, etc...) . You can also group employees together into groups and setup different policies based on the group or the individual

2) 3rd Party Web Filtering

You can buy an appliance that acts like a proxy. Which means all Internet traffic goes through this appliance or server and you can filter what goes through. You can buy a high end appliance or install software on a server. The most popular and FREE program you can use is Squid - http://www.squid-cache.org/ .

You can also install a program on one or all computers. A popular and free program is K9 from Blue Coat. Blue Coat makes an awesome appliance for the office. This software is also very good. You can download it at http://www1.k9webprotection.com/

3) OpenDNS

OpenDNS is a new and revolutionary way to protect your computers. You simply set your network or computers to use their DNS servers and viola! OpenDNS gives you the option to block dozens of categories on your networks, for free. From social networking to job sites, from gambling to video sharing, from webmail to alcohol and more: with OpenDNS, you make the choice about what's available on your network. Check them out at http://www.opendns.com

4) When all else fails you can shut the internet off. Unplug your routers and computers and you are guaranteed not to have any hack attempts or unproductive browsing from employees. But then again they might not be able to get work done either.

There is no right answer. Every business is different. The right answer is somewhere between doing nothing and some or all of the options above.


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