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0 comments | Tuesday, April 29, 2008

In 2008 small businesses no longer want to change their business to conform with a boxed software solution. They want the software to change to them. They want it to be personalized. They want to take their paper or manual process and have software created that matches the same process. Software no longer comes in a box. You either download a canned solution or you have a custom solution that is web based.

The web allows you to access this software from any computer without having to install special software. The web allows you to access this software outside of the office in a secure fashion if you so choose.

Business owners do not want to have to have a phd in how to use the software. They know their business. They want SOFTWARE that knows their business. Is this too much to ask?

We do not think so. It is possible. There are many solutions online, some free, that can be modified (http://www.sugarcrm.com/). Or you can even have a web design company create the web based software for you from scratch. Either way you are not tied to just one company for development in the future.

Next time you are looking for software, think outside the box!


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