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0 comments | Thursday, May 8, 2008

"Do you want it fast, cheap, or right? Pick two."

Hopefully you have heard this before. If not, here it is!

We often try to do all three and that is almost impossible. What is most important to your company? Do all your employees agree? Do your customers agree? Does your web site agree? Do the services you offer agree?

For example - You are a cheap and fast web hosting provider that can get a virtual server up and running in 5 minutes for $10 a month. Your web site says that you can customize the server to our need and have a 100% uptime guarantee. How?

There is no right answer. Walmart chooses cheap. Target chooses right.

The only right answer is to pick two and stick with it. Make sure your message(s) are consistent. Make sure your employees understand who you are. Make sure you signup customers that understand who you are. Make sure your marketing materials (including your web site) agree with who you are.

It may even make sense to just pick one....


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