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0 comments | Thursday, February 3, 2011

A great tool for companies trying to better target their customers and prospects is Flowtown.

Flowtown enables you to enter any email address, and the system instantly reports back where and how that address is connected on the social Web.

It allows you to drill down to a granular level to get the insight you are looking for.

“Should we be on Twitter, or Facebook, or Linkedin, or YouTube, or some other places?” Flowtown gives you the answer in seconds.

So, if you want to instantly send an email to only your customers that are on Facebook, inviting them to become fans of your brand there, you can do it in minutes using Flowtown’s existing integration with MailChimp.
The fee for up to 75,000 sent emails per month is just $99.97.

A great aricle on Flowtown can be found here

Flowtown's web site can be found here

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