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0 comments | Tuesday, February 8, 2011

With the iPhone 4 making it's debut with Verizon wireless tomorrow.  What will be different than the iPhone with At&t wireless?

Several things.  Some better, some not so...

  1. Verizon claims dropped calls will not exist.  This is the most common frustration with current iPhone users on At&t's network
  2. Price is the same for the device
  3. Antenna.  Verizon uses CDMA.  Not compatible with At&t.  You cannot use your At&t phone with Verizon and vice versa.
  4. Verizon allows you to use the iPhone as mobile hotspot.  Meaning you can use your iPhone with your laptop or mobile device to browse the Internet
  5. The biggest downfall with Verizon will be the fact that you cannot talk on the phone AND use the Internet at the same time.  Voice and data will have to be done separately.
Learn more here



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