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0 comments | Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A lot of us keep our computers on at home. While they are designed to be on all day long, if you are going to not use the computer for 8 or 10 hours while you are out of the house, at work, etc..then why not shut it down? Here are a few benefits of why you should shut your computer off for 1/3 to 1/2 of the day

1) It saves money. Shutting your computer down (and monitor, printer, etc...) will cut down your electric bill.

2) The room that the computer(s) are in will be cooler. The computer, monitor and printer put off a lot of heat.

3) A lot of software programs do not release memory properly when you shut them down. Eventually it will slow down your computer. Shutting down your computer will close all of the programs. Every time you do this the computer will run faster.

4) Noise. It is a lot quieter without the computer running.

Also, if you live in Florida or a state prone to lightning strikes and power outages, then please please please invest in a battery backup / surge protector. A UPS (uninterruptible power supply) . Here is a link from APC, the leading maker of UPS', to determine what size UPS you need


And here is a link to a sale circuit city is having on a small UPS. Only $20

Circuit City

$20 is a lot cheaper than replacing power supplies, hard drives, computers, monitors, etc... You may want to put one on your TV, Tivo (DVR), XBOX, Wii. Anything electronic that is always plugged in or you may use during a storm. The power surges alone can destroy any of the items listed above. If your computer is on during a storm and lightning strikes, you can lose your hard drive. If you lose your hard drive ALL data is gone. Hopefully you have a backup!

Spend the $20 :)



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