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0 comments | Thursday, February 17, 2011

Today, right now! check your backups.  If you are not doing backups, do one now!

Personally back up the following items

  1. iPod
  2. iPhone / Smartphone
  3. Music (iTunes)
  4. Pictures
  5. Important Documents (school papers, will, legal, scanned papers, etc...)
  6. Software you purchased online
Professional back up the following items

  1. Exchange Mailboxes, Logs and Database
  2. SQL and MySQL databases
  3. Employee Files
  4. Email
  5. Accounting Software Files
  6. Web Site Files
  7. Server Files
If you feel real ambitious, try restoring a file or files.  And if you really want to sleep good at night, grab a spare server and test how long it will take to get your whole server back up and running the way it is today.  Reward yourself or your team if they can do it by lunch!



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