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1 comments | Monday, August 4, 2008

Here are a few easy ways to save money on technology at your office


Get rid of those expensive copper/analog lines from your local phone company. You are probably paying $50+ a month per line. Signup with Vonage or Call Vantage for $25 a month for unlimited service



2) Office Software

Ditch Microsoft Office and save yourself $300 - $400 per copy. Download Open Office from Sun Microsystems for FREE! Yes, FREE! No catch and it does work with Microsoft Office. No one will ever know


3) FAX

Get rid of the fax machine in your office. It wastes power, paper and toner/ink. You can also get rid of the fax line you have plugged into it. Go with an online fax service that will take your fax and email it to you. You can also log into their control panel and download the fax. For a few bucks a month you get a toll free fax number. If you have sensitive data, get a second line just for you





Blogger lou said...

love the post! Great insight for companies really who are really trying to bite the bullet!

check out


February 27, 2009 at 11:45 AM


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