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0 comments | Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Most of us are prepared for a hurricane, right ;)

But most of us are not prepared for the more common reoccurring events that threaten our servers, data, email and business day. Here are 6 items to test TODAY!

1) Delete a file off of the server and ask your IT guy/girl to restore it. If you do not have confidence in them, back it up yourself first

2) Have a third party security company do an audit on your network. See if they can get to your sensitive data from outside of your office

3) Check to see who owns your domain name (i.e. spiderhost.com) . It should be in your company's name with a valid email address. Use http://www.whois.sc/ it is free

4) Go to wherever your server is and see if the backup tapes are sitting right next to the server. At the very least they should be in a fire proof and water proof safe. But they should be out of the office

5) Do you have a backup email server? What if your email service went down? Most organizations cannot run if email is down for 24 hours

6) Finally, do you have one IT person? This person has all of your passwords, vendor information, knowledge, etc... what if something happened to this person?

Test it! Have a backup!

Rinse and repeat



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