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0 comments | Friday, August 15, 2008

A lot of small businesses have just one person in their IT "department" . Either that or they have another employee that has a different job function act as the in-house computer geek.

This is very dangerous. Many companies rely on computers way too much. Now you have just one person with all of the knowledge. We all know he/she is not documenting everything. Why would they? This means there is no job security for them. A lot of them use their personal email address when interfacing with vendors regarding licenses. They have all of the passwords in their head or a spreadsheet on their personal laptop.

Then comes the day when they dont show up for work, get in a car accident, find another job, or you have to fire them. Now what?

It does not have to be stressful. You should have more than one person responsible for this critical piece of your business. You may not have the luxury of hiring two people. You could designate another trusted employee to work with this lone ranger. Either that or consider outsourcing to a company that can help.

Think about this not only for the technical side of your business but for your accounting, sales, and other departments.



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