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0 comments | Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Check out this link where Gartner quotes


"Gartner predicts that by 2009, power and cooling costs will be second to salaries in the IT budget"

Think about it.

Your servers, your external hard drives, your computers, your monitors, your tape backup drive are all sucking power. Most companies leave these devices on 24x7 .

Here are a couple of ways to save on your power bill

1) Shut off computers when you leave the office
2) If you do not use your server, turn it off on the weekends
3) Outsource your servers to a hosting company with a data center. You have a flat rate with them and you get more value
4) Buy newer energy efficient servers and desktops
5) Replace the big CRT monitors with flat panel LCDs
6) Replace your clunky desktops with thin clients. Here is a calculator on how much you can save


Every little but helps.



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