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1 comments | Friday, October 17, 2008

Here is a list of 9 technology related products, services and web sites that our children may never see

1) Floppy Drives / Diskettes
replaced by USB drives

2) CRT Monitors
replaced by LCD screens

3) Fax Machine
replaced with virtual or electronic fax

4) Dialup Internet
obsolete due to DSL, Cable, etc...

5) Classmates.com
rarely used due to myspace and facebook

6) CD-ROMs
replaced with DVDs

7) Boxed Software
replaced with electronic download

8) Backup Tapes
replaced with disk to disk backups and virtual tapes

9) Copy Machines
scanners and electronic documents

Have any to add ?



Blogger Blog Keeper said...

Analog telephones are on the way out. Everything is going IP and so are telephones. I think everyone can spell VoIP.

December 17, 2008 at 10:28 AM


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